
Date: September 5, 2016;
"Scratch Team" was a failure on an astronomical level. It lacked real leadership and teaching skills. It was incredibly unplanned, and didn't teach the students the neccesities on how to create a game in scratch. Their teacher lacked the teaching skills nessacary to really indulge the students in the knowledge he had. Overall, the club was a waste of time, and didn't teach the students anything. Well, no more. NHRMS presents the Web Team.

Unlike "Scratch Team", we won't be using any block programming. Instead, it will focus on the fundementals of HTML, CSS, and JS. All of those programming languages are needed to deploy even the most basic of websites. NHRMS Web Team will offer to teach students these programming languages, along with basic knowledge on how to deploy a website.

Want to join NHRMS Web Team?

Sign up in the Contact Us Section. Permission slip PDF here

We offer:

To teach the students of NHRMS HTML, CSS, and JS
The fundementals of deploying a website
To create better presentations in a simple and readable format